Tuesday 17 May 2011

Clarice Cliff Style Dress Wobble Card

Well that's just typical of me ! I forgot to keep a blank digi version of this image, if you'd like to use her anyway please feel free to download her in PDF format -   here 
The pdf also shows how to postion her on your card, if you decide to add embellishments to her such as gems etc, be sure to level them up on either side or she'll tilt to one side.

Just a quick simple card but she does look very cute wobbling from side to side.

Vince x


  1. Love her and great colours.

  2. I've never tried a Wobbler, she looks fun and I realize now why it's importantnto balance the weight on both sides so she returns to centre.


Thank you for leaving me a comment, I moderate all my comments so they might not be published straight away, but be patient I do check them daily. X Vince


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